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100% of all donations go towards developing Malawi's world.

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Please search for Bwengu on JustGiving to make a donation!

Our work relies entirely on the generous support we receive from a variety of groups and individuals

Bwengu Projects Malawi is a registered charity (England & Wales 1183709)

Donations can be made through the following methods:

  • Donate (don’t forget to GiftAid your donation if you are a UK tax-payer)


Please search for Bwengu on JustGiving to make a donation!

  • Bank transfer for businesses or organisations (contact us for details)
  • Regular monthly standing orders.


The nature of our work is such that we don’t require lots of volunteers to travel to Malawi.

The building work we undertake is managed from England, with monitoring and updates provided by local head teachers via WhatsApp. Maintenance of existing projector kits and delivery of new ones is carried out by ourselves when we visit once or twice a year.

A more effective way to help us spread the word

Like / Follow us on Facebook for regular updates and tell your friends.

If you would like to organise a fund-raising event through your work, church, school or social club, please contact us if you would like support.

Feel free to put us in touch with people who might have similar interests or expertise or who might be doing compatible or complementary work (not necessarily in Africa).

We are available to do talks or presentations to groups, schools or organisations who might be interested in supporting us. Contact us for more details.


Bwengu Projects Malawi is a small, family run registered charity (England & Wales number 1183709) run by Sue & Tony Melia together with their daughter Samantha, son-in-law Rob and granddaughter Abi.

Each year we identify, fund raise and undertake various education and community projects in Northern Malawi.

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